Any Soldier Care Packages
February was my month to run a charity event at Humble Crew, which also happens to be my birthday month! My name is Dana Czapla, I am the Director of Digital Marketing and am lucky to be here at Humble Crew for almost one year! I am honored to be part of a company and team that is so committed and genuinely excited about giving back to others.
The charity I chose for this month is called Any Soldier. The organization connects our service men and women across the world with people at home who would like to help. You can choose different ways to send donations and care packages, and who you prefer to donate to. I selected 8 soldiers who are originally from states that members of our team are from as well. The soldiers posted messages on Any Soldier with recommendations of items that their units need. We learned so much about the different living conditions the troops are in. Some soldiers come from warm climates like Florida and are stationed in cooler climates and needed more hats and gloves. One soldier informed us they are part of a K9 unit and their 90-LB dogs were in need of some play toys (both humans and animals deserve playtime!)
After reading the 8 soldiers’ posts, we ordered over 50 different items off of Amazon. We boxed up the packages and included letters to the soldiers that our team wrote to them. We will be utilizing USPS to ship the care packages to our soldiers overseas who are located in: Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Kuwait and Qatar.
If you would like to send letters and/or care packages to soldiers, please visit:
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